Sunday, June 29, 2008

One Month to Go...

Today is exactly one month from my first day of work. We have now started the packing process. ugh. What a hassle. I am not looking forward to all the work we have to do, it just seems overwhelming. As far as VB, right now I am in the checking references, background, and drug test phase. I do enjoy peeing in a cup from time to time. We still haven't found a place to live in Fort Wayne. That is also a big ordeal. How the heck do you find a place to live without ever even seeing it in person?! It is scary how these next few weeks will fly by, and before you know it, we will be there. I hope we make it in one piece.

Well I guess I will go now. Alexis is bothering me to help pack. Do I have to do everything around here?


ps-I finally posted some pics in my last post of Indiana. One day I will take the time to create a design for this blog. Just not sure when that day will be.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

First Post

It is one day after I have received a job offer that will take Alexis and I all the way from Florida to Indiana. So, needless to say, it is a very exciting and stressful time for us. With all of these changes coming up, and us getting ready to move so far from our friends and family, I thought it would be a great time for us to start a blog and keep everyone posted. (Actually, Ray and Jon have one for their move to Chicago, so really, I am just copying them. shh.)

I am excited to have a way to update everyone (and by everyone, I mean my mom) on our status. However, I do have a feeling I will be the only one updating, as Alexis is not as keen on the idea. But that's fine, because when I have thousands of readers and people are paying to advertise here, I will just keep all the money for myself. Anyways, on a serious note, I sent my signed acceptance letter to VB today, so in just five short weeks, I will be their jr. web designer, and we will be moving to a town (and state) we have only spent a mere 24 hours in--total. Wish us luck!

Indiana from the plane:
