Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day (after)

Hellllooooo all...
I logged on today and saw a plethora of comments...I thought I had them set to forward to my email, but apparently not. I know it has been awhile. I have actually been pretty busy, and when I am not busy, I choose to be lazy. It is a vicious cycle. But seriously, things have been pretty busy around here, especially since Alexis is now in school and working full time. In fact, since the last time I posted (after New Years), I think I could probably sum up our life in two parts:

1. Gators won the National Championship! Woohoo!! Can you believe it? Of course you can! We love to collect national titles! Alexis and I watched at home, I screamed and yelled, and cheered and everything as loud as I could. The next day I wore my Danny Wuerffel to work for about 15 minutes, then replaced it with a much less obnoxious gator t-shirt. Life is good.

Teddy, ready for the game. (Yes, Biba, he is a boy!)

He oozes masculinity.

So that was January in a nutshell.

2. We have decided to build a house. This was a pretty excruciating decision. We cannot find an existing home we like, so we looked into building, and finally, finally pulled the trigger. We've picked our floorplan (3 beds, 2 bath, and a loft) and we have picked our lot, and as soon as we can pour the foundation, it should take about 120 days for the home to be finished. We just signed the papers on Thursday, and even though it is a bit stressful, it is sooo exciting and we cannot wait to move in!!

Ravenswood, our neighborhood

Street sign: Tara Bella Lane

our empty lot (it's a corner)

The sooner it's done the better, as we are having to go month-to-month on our lease, which costs more. Lucky for us, in Indiana the housing is so cheap that our mortgage will cost almost the same as our rent. Keeping my fingers crossed that the rates drop intead of rise!

So, there you have it, that was February (so far) for us. Even though the last two months have been pretty dead, building the home will give us something to update on here. So we can at least seem like we are interesting.

Hope that everyone had a Happy Valentine's day...we went out to eat at an italian restuarant (Biaggi's...we decided to try something different instead of our usual Friday night joint, Casa.) Tonight, I believe we are having pizza when Alexis gets home from work. Last Sunday it was McDonald's. Ah, how I love Sunday night fast food dinners. (No, that is NOT sarcasm.)
