Saturday, December 6, 2008

Living in a postcard

This past weekend we returned from our Thanksgiving trip to Florida. The ride home was long, as usual, but didn't get rough until we were just about 50 miles from home. Snow on the roads! It was a rough drive -- some parts were clear, some not so much, but when we got home we were greeted with a beautiful layer of fresh snow! I am finding it pretty impossible to not be happy when there is fresh, white snow outside. We unloaded the car, and had a quick snowball fight followed by hot chocolate. perfect.

Britt, Tiff and I, the night before Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving day


My favorite Norwegian meal! (Epcot)

on the drive home

my car when we returned (we took alexis's home)

our backyard the day we returned

my attempt at a snow angel (in cotton sweatpants)

my little mini-snowman

running errands on my lunch break at work

so pretty.

Right now I am watching College Gameday, getting ready for the big SEC CHAMPIONSHIP! woohoo, Go Gators! It's snowing again right now, and once again, I can't help but smile when I see it out the window. I NEVER thought I would be watching the Gators on TV with snow outside my window. Go figure. Last night after work Alexis and I went out to dinner (celebrating 1 year 6 months of marriage and the fact that Alexis got a PT job at the bank!) and it was 14 degrees outside! That was the first time I was truly cold outside. Right now it's 25. That I can handle. The weird thing is, usually when I leave for work in the morning, it doesn't feel that cold, so I don't worry too much. Then by lunchtime, the temperature drops. Totally opposite from FL, where it's colder in the morning than midday.

So that's whats happening up here in Fort Wayne. Tomorrow Alexis and I are going to the Colt's game in Indy. He won tickets on a Coors Light box. Then in just a few quick weeks, we will on our way back to FL. Too bad I can't bring the snow home to share.

So anyways, back to College Gameday. Once again, Go Gators.

"The SEC has been doing it longer, and is still doing it better"
-Chris Fowler on College Gameday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to come up and see snow!
I think Teddy is enjoying his time in the sun though!
Great picts, and great update.