Friday, March 27, 2009

More House


a touch of siding

preparing for brick

box-out window

preparing for fireplace

Moving right along. Monday morning at 7am we meet about the electrical and figure out where we want things to go. We have one more interior 'selection' meeting and we will be done with that. Still working on kitchen cabinets as well. I just want it to hurry up and be done!

Friday, March 20, 2009

2nd week, 2nd story

Neeeeeewwwww pictures....

getting started on that second story...

front living room windows

upstairs - guest bath

upstairs - master bath

living room back wall - fireplace will go in middle


backyard, and back neighbors home

front view - there is a pond across the street. Sure will make for a nice view as long as no one ever builds across the street!

By the end of next week, all framing should be done. We are told that once we get to that point, the house will definitely be done in under 90 days! Yaaay! The only drawback is then we have to hand over the money, so we better have it all by then!! Those upgrades we didn't plan on getting sure are adding up quick!

Monday, March 16, 2009

slab + foundation

Home update: Last week we got slab poured...this week, the first floor framed! woohoo! Hopefully the second floor will be done by the end of the week.


took me forever to clean my shoes after this trip

first floor framing done

all this in one day!

from the street

The dogs are really excited about the house, too. Can't you tell?? This is them this morning, after they had gone out and eaten food. They put themselves right back to bed.

Bella makes her bed on the couch

Teddy runs into our bed after he comes back inside in the mornings

his real bed is the crate next to our bed, but he obviously doesn't realize that

Hopefully there will more progress to post soon!