Friday, March 20, 2009

2nd week, 2nd story

Neeeeeewwwww pictures....

getting started on that second story...

front living room windows

upstairs - guest bath

upstairs - master bath

living room back wall - fireplace will go in middle


backyard, and back neighbors home

front view - there is a pond across the street. Sure will make for a nice view as long as no one ever builds across the street!

By the end of next week, all framing should be done. We are told that once we get to that point, the house will definitely be done in under 90 days! Yaaay! The only drawback is then we have to hand over the money, so we better have it all by then!! Those upgrades we didn't plan on getting sure are adding up quick!


Anonymous said...

How come I didn't see a caption that says Mom's room?
Its looking great and going up fast!!!

Anonymous said...

It is a fantastic house!! What a fun time for you and Alexis. I love looking at the pictures - so thanks and keep putting them up. Love,Biba