Saturday, April 11, 2009

60 day countdown

paint on the house

brick - much darker than I remember!

back and side

upper foyer into loft - drywall

stairs to loft

dining and kitchen

living room

living room

construction checklist! (you can click on the image to make it bigger)

more than halfway done

When the drywall went up, it meant we are at the 60 day mark...but I am thinking it will be even sooner than that! Things have been moving very quickly.

This week I have something new to focus my apartment (yuck). As much as I would like to just give up on this place, knowing I'll be leaving soon, with mom and grandmommy visiting next weekend (yay!) I really need to make things look presentable -- probably for the last time!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Under lock and key

Some more progress this week...

more siding

finished siding on the front (primed, not painted), and windows installed.

garage doors

back of house
The house is now locked up, so only WE can go inside! (We met some neighbors earlier this week -- inside our house!) They told us good things about the neighborhood. They said that the people down the street from us are selling their house so they can downsize (their kids are moving away) - but that they are building again in the same neighborhood! Definitely a good sign.

Other things going on...

Went to a hockey game in my company's box seats.

Our version of a living room 'fort'