Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Little Morgan has arrived

Congratulations Wilson Family! Baby Morgan was born at 4:50am on 07/20, weighing 8.0lbs and 22 inches long (dang, I think this kid has me beat size-wise, and I was quite a large baby). I can't wait to meet him!

With all the babies coming into this family (Preban last year, who I still haven't met, Morgan this week, and then Ray & Jon, you're up next...) I was thinking, what if, I got pregnant and we didn't tell anyone...I mean, I don't post any pics of myself up here anyways, who would know? And then, poof, one day I have a baby! Surpriiiise! Wouldn't that be fun? No? I guess not.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

the best things about Florida...


and FOOD!

Hopefully we will be back soon!

Finished House

So here you go...

front of house, before 'spray grass'

foyer hall

stairs from foyer

front door

living room

living room

living room


pantry and fridge


oven, microwave


'catch-all' off of kitchen

dining room armoire

dining room

to garage

1/2 bath



upstairs hallway

upstairs main bath

I don't even like posting pics that have furniture in them because they look so pathetic. Our apartment sized furniture is not working in this house. But it's going to be a long while before we can replace it. Although...I do have a plan. I just posted up the pictures of our living room on 'rate my space' (love that show on hgtv). Now I just need all of you to go to the site, and rate my space a ONE! (no, seriously). That way I can be rated low enough to be picked for the show, and trust me, I could sure use that makeover! Our living room is struggling! VISIT RATE MY SPACE. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully I will be a little luckier with this than I am with the lotto. I mean, I play and play, yet I never win. How much more effort can I possibly put in? Geeze.

Anyways, an update: Alexis and I have been sooo busy lately, it's overwhelming. He is taking accelerated classes online, I have been enrolled in classes for the last two years that are about to expire, so I have been trying to get on the ball with that; we both are working full-time (plus), and now we have the house to take care of, and the new lawn is super time consuming. Hopefully things will get a little better when these classes end. We are fairly settled into the house, if you don't count the fact that we are seriously lacking furniture. There are a few things we haven't unpacked because of it. We also have nothing on the walls yet. It's frustrating because we know what we want to do in each room, but don't have the money to spend on it. I think the first order of business will be blinds. I don't know if it is more awkward for us for the neighbors that they can see everything we do.

Anyways, I spent the first part of the morning on homework, so I am going to spend the rest of the day cleaning and lounging. I only wish that weekends lasted longer. (sigh).