Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Little Morgan has arrived

Congratulations Wilson Family! Baby Morgan was born at 4:50am on 07/20, weighing 8.0lbs and 22 inches long (dang, I think this kid has me beat size-wise, and I was quite a large baby). I can't wait to meet him!

With all the babies coming into this family (Preban last year, who I still haven't met, Morgan this week, and then Ray & Jon, you're up next...) I was thinking, what if, I got pregnant and we didn't tell anyone...I mean, I don't post any pics of myself up here anyways, who would know? And then, poof, one day I have a baby! Surpriiiise! Wouldn't that be fun? No? I guess not.


Tiffany said...

well then you wouldn't get a baby shower, and you wouldn't get the free diapers! you will WANT the free diapers :)

Anonymous said...

Uh, you were 9 1/2 lbs missy!!!! and 23 inches long.
And no suprise pregnancies.. we would miss all the maternity and baby shopping... and lunches at the mall!!!

Anonymous said...

You appear to be tiring of blogging...
Bored in Jacksonville

Anonymous said...

yes, cousin Ray is doing a wonderful job keeping up with HER blog.............
I know for a fact that you just spent a wonderful weekend in Lexington with your always fun parents. Wheres the picts from that?