Saturday, October 24, 2009


This year I went to VB's Tickled Pink party once again, which is to raise money for our foundation that supports breast cancer research. I made the decision to go about three hours before it started, so I have to say I am very proud of myself for pulling an outfit together last minute. Michelle, my co-worker, and I actually traded some clothes for the evening. She wore my dress (recognize it Mettina?) and I wore her skirt. Then we enjoyed the evening.

Michael Johns, from American Idol.

Michelle and I.

Towards the end of the night, with our Starbucks.

Just chillin' with one of our founders.

With Michael Johns.

My favorite part of the evening is always the food. Local restaurants from all over the city donate food and it is delicious. I didn't even leave room for drinking this time. I'm thinking of joining the TP committee next year... but I kind of enjoy being a guest, so we'll have to see! It is a really fun evening if anyone wants to make the trip and join me next time!

Trip to Kentucky

Yessss, I know it has been awhile. It's true, I hate updating. Particularly uploading photos. It takes forever, and no matter how many times I do it, I can never figure out how to get them to upload in the correct order (yes, I realize how stupid that makes me sound).

But anyways, enough with the pleasantries, here are the pics from our trip to Kentucky to watch the gator game, where we met up with my parents. We drove down with the dogs and boarded them down the street from our hotel. It was a great weekend, minus Tebow's concussion, which is so thankfully no longer an issue. phew!

Packing for the trip. Are you sensing a color theme?

Alexis and dad at Bonefish. I was very excited about this dinner.

Me and mom at dinner with our lovely Vera Bradley by John Wind jewelry.

Tailgating in the parking garage. (It was raining).

In the stadium.

my loves

After the game, with Rick.

Teddy on the way home.

It was a great time, I only we could go to more gator games. Still keeping my fingers crossed that Florida makes it to the national championship, so I can make the trip out to California! When you don't get to go to all the home games, you have to make up for it by going to the biggest game of all! C'mon Gators, you can do it!