Saturday, October 24, 2009


This year I went to VB's Tickled Pink party once again, which is to raise money for our foundation that supports breast cancer research. I made the decision to go about three hours before it started, so I have to say I am very proud of myself for pulling an outfit together last minute. Michelle, my co-worker, and I actually traded some clothes for the evening. She wore my dress (recognize it Mettina?) and I wore her skirt. Then we enjoyed the evening.

Michael Johns, from American Idol.

Michelle and I.

Towards the end of the night, with our Starbucks.

Just chillin' with one of our founders.

With Michael Johns.

My favorite part of the evening is always the food. Local restaurants from all over the city donate food and it is delicious. I didn't even leave room for drinking this time. I'm thinking of joining the TP committee next year... but I kind of enjoy being a guest, so we'll have to see! It is a really fun evening if anyone wants to make the trip and join me next time!


Anonymous said...

I would be happy to help out on the comittee next year.. sign me up!!!

Great picts and narrative. Thank you for taking the time to update!

Anonymous said...

I guess I should have identified myself... I don't want Biba to get the invitation to help out with Tickled Pink instead of me!!!!

Anonymous said...

Inger stop...
I said that!!

Rachel D. said...

Nissa i love your hair band/flower. Looks like something from anthropologie!