Thursday, July 31, 2008

Don't. EVER. Move.

Everything was all peachy keen here in Fort Wayne until our movers showed up. What a nightmare! At first I noticed some misshapen boxes...I would see a box clearly labeled "Fragile" upside down and all lumpy. But I stayed calm and told myself, well I guess that's my fault, I didn't pay to have things professionally packed. Then the dressers came in...demolished. We were told to leave our belongings in our dressers so we did. But they buckled and are now rendered useless. As is our coffee table (that we were actually using as entertainment system). There are also some pretty annoying scratches/dents on other furniture. I thought I was paying these people to do a better job than I could have, but apparently not! So now we will have to go through a whole claims process to get some money back for it, after we pay our $250 insurance deductible. Bollocks! (I am reading a book that is set in London. We are now members at the Allen County Library.) So anyways, the only bright side is that at least I learned this now, while my furniture is still all from Target and Ikea, not Pottery Barn, like it will be...someday...

Before the movers--for you, dad:

Thats marked 'fragile.'

Alexis's dresser. Worse than it looks here.

A huge chunk out of our favorite piece of furniture.

It is just really disappointing to pay so much for a job not well done. To top things off, while we were unpacking today, Alexis tried to hook up the washer and dryer. Try is the operative word here. First the washer hose fell off during a wash and slightly flooded the laundry room. After that was fixed, it was on to the dryer, which smelled like a fire when we turned it on, so I guess we won't be using that. Not sure what the next move is there. Luckily we knew how to cheer ourselves up:

Red Robin....mmmm.
(that is supposed to be sung like in the commercial)

It was our first time eating at a Red Robin, and it was de-lightful. They even gave us free strawberry lemonades, yum. That was followed by a trip to Best Buy (where I played Rock Band for the first time--and sucked), then Kohl's (kind of a disappointment) and then Dairy Queen (pretty good.) Big day, I'd say.

Now Alexis is out buying some beer, so it is time to have a drink, unpack some more boxes, and listen to some music.

TTFN - ta ta for now.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I'm so excited...

...and I just can't hide know the rest. I am so happy to have internet now. And our belongings are being delivered tomorrow, so we will have furniture as well. woohoo! But for now, some updates...

Obviously we are in Fort Wayne now. We left FL last week and arrived on Friday (July 25th). Before leaving Florida we not only needed to spend time with family and friends but we had to get some of our favorite food one last time; Amura for sushi, Tijuana Flats for mexican, Emack and Bolios for ice we had our lovely parents cook up some of our favorites; spanish pork for Alexis and manicotti for me, yummmm.

So we had our stuff picked up on Wednesday and we left early Thursday morning, hitting the road at about 7am.

Saying goodbye to the old apartment

Our Navigation System. It says 17 hours to go, and that was after driving for an hour.
Driving through Atlanta, GA

Tennessee mountains. Beautiful scenery. This does not do it justice.


Bowling Green, KY. Thank you for letting us have Urban Meyer! : )

Louisville, KY. Would like to spend more time there someday.

Our cute hotel right outside of Louisville and right inside of Indiana.

Indiana in a nutshell: land and corn.

And that was the trip. FL to GA to TN to KY to IN. And no, those pictures were not easy to take while driving. We drove about 12 hours the first day, getting us right into Southern Indiana, and then had four more hours to drive the next day. It wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be. XM radio and soda helped. But surprisingly I didn't drink a single coffee. At least not until we hit the mall in Fort Wayne a couple days later and I saw a Starbucks. ahh, shopping and coffee, life's little pleasures.

We checked into our apartment around 11 on Friday and we are expecting our stuff tomorrow (Wednesday). We have spent our days driving around, exploring, and watching movies. (We have watched 6 so far, tonight will be 7). I will definitely post some pics of our apartment and the surrounding areas soon. Right now our apartment is just an empty room with a blow-up mattress. Not much to look at.

Thats all folks. (for now)

(ps-Valdosta, GA won titletown? Am I the only one confused by this?)

I finally have internet!!!

Our Internet has (finally) been officially hooked up. I will soon post pics from our travels, so stay tuned : ) 

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Time flies

So it has definitely been busy around here. We are really making headway on packing, we've picked a moving van line, and we've signed with an apartment. (The Reserve at Dawson's Creek--right now we live at The Grand Reserve at Kirkman Parke and before that we lived at The Reserve at Kanapaha--do you see a pattern there?) 

This last weekend I hosted Mettina's Bachelorette party, which was great fun. We went to Citywalk for a night, and had a great time. There was 9 of us, and we stayed at the Royal Pacific Hotel, which was beautiful (thank you Chris for the hookup!). Mettina had a couple of drinks, and it was like an episode of Kids say the darndest things, only I guess it would be Buzzed brides say the darndest things. It was too cute : ) 

I also wanted to post this pic of her wedding invitations because Mettina, Natasha (her sis) and I made them a couple of weeks ago and they turned out sooo nice!

Anyways, back to the move, we are loading up next Wednesday, and we will be at our new apartment (without our stuff!) on Friday. It seemed like we still had so much time, but now it is so close, it is going to start feeling VERY real soon! Eek!