Thursday, July 31, 2008

Don't. EVER. Move.

Everything was all peachy keen here in Fort Wayne until our movers showed up. What a nightmare! At first I noticed some misshapen boxes...I would see a box clearly labeled "Fragile" upside down and all lumpy. But I stayed calm and told myself, well I guess that's my fault, I didn't pay to have things professionally packed. Then the dressers came in...demolished. We were told to leave our belongings in our dressers so we did. But they buckled and are now rendered useless. As is our coffee table (that we were actually using as entertainment system). There are also some pretty annoying scratches/dents on other furniture. I thought I was paying these people to do a better job than I could have, but apparently not! So now we will have to go through a whole claims process to get some money back for it, after we pay our $250 insurance deductible. Bollocks! (I am reading a book that is set in London. We are now members at the Allen County Library.) So anyways, the only bright side is that at least I learned this now, while my furniture is still all from Target and Ikea, not Pottery Barn, like it will be...someday...

Before the movers--for you, dad:

Thats marked 'fragile.'

Alexis's dresser. Worse than it looks here.

A huge chunk out of our favorite piece of furniture.

It is just really disappointing to pay so much for a job not well done. To top things off, while we were unpacking today, Alexis tried to hook up the washer and dryer. Try is the operative word here. First the washer hose fell off during a wash and slightly flooded the laundry room. After that was fixed, it was on to the dryer, which smelled like a fire when we turned it on, so I guess we won't be using that. Not sure what the next move is there. Luckily we knew how to cheer ourselves up:

Red Robin....mmmm.
(that is supposed to be sung like in the commercial)

It was our first time eating at a Red Robin, and it was de-lightful. They even gave us free strawberry lemonades, yum. That was followed by a trip to Best Buy (where I played Rock Band for the first time--and sucked), then Kohl's (kind of a disappointment) and then Dairy Queen (pretty good.) Big day, I'd say.

Now Alexis is out buying some beer, so it is time to have a drink, unpack some more boxes, and listen to some music.

TTFN - ta ta for now.


Anonymous said...

I like that you are wearing a Florida Gator tee-shirt... and I look forward to MY first Red Robin experience!

Anonymous said...

dont worry just lemme know next time your going to see me...ill hook you up with some rockband lessons lol i own it! :-)

Anonymous said...

ps. its andy for the rockband comment not anonymous lol

Anonymous said...

yum! i love red robin:) you gotta get the chicken teriyaki burger, its my fave :)

Unknown said...

Oh boy. Moving is such a pain. Each time Eric has moved to a new post, something comes back broken and chipped. This last time, moving from Africa to Thailand, there were actually like 5 boxes of his stuff stolen. STOLEN. Love the blog by the way, I've been getting my ass kicked at work and haven't had a chance to read it until now.


Michelle said...

Look how tan you and Alexis are! Just think, you're going to meet the coolest person EVER in just a few days! ;)