Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Time flies

So it has definitely been busy around here. We are really making headway on packing, we've picked a moving van line, and we've signed with an apartment. (The Reserve at Dawson's Creek--right now we live at The Grand Reserve at Kirkman Parke and before that we lived at The Reserve at Kanapaha--do you see a pattern there?) 

This last weekend I hosted Mettina's Bachelorette party, which was great fun. We went to Citywalk for a night, and had a great time. There was 9 of us, and we stayed at the Royal Pacific Hotel, which was beautiful (thank you Chris for the hookup!). Mettina had a couple of drinks, and it was like an episode of Kids say the darndest things, only I guess it would be Buzzed brides say the darndest things. It was too cute : ) 

I also wanted to post this pic of her wedding invitations because Mettina, Natasha (her sis) and I made them a couple of weeks ago and they turned out sooo nice!

Anyways, back to the move, we are loading up next Wednesday, and we will be at our new apartment (without our stuff!) on Friday. It seemed like we still had so much time, but now it is so close, it is going to start feeling VERY real soon! Eek!


Anonymous said...

Oh good, you have "anonymous", now I can leave comments.
I can't believe this time has gone so fast and you are almost gone.
Well... you can run, Missy, but you can't hide. Inger and I will be headed up the highway right behind you.
XO Biba
ps. beautiful wedding invitation

Anonymous said...

Ft Wayne pictures please!!
snap snap

nissak said...

I look forward to a visit : )