Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Gators got that whammer jammer...ooh aahh.

So our trip to Knoxville, Tennessee was a success...mostly in part, because we won 30-6. Go gators! Knoxville ended up being a fantastic town. Beautiful scenery including mountains, water, and a very nice downtown area. I would love to go back there goal is to one day go back for a game and eat at the Ruth's Chris right on the water...yummm. 

We had a really good time and it was awesome to catch up with friends we don't get to see anymore. The game was a lot of fun, it was mostly gator fans in our area with some Tennessee-eans sprinkled in. I realized after sitting there for awhile that "go vols!" sounds an awful like "goat balls!" - just an observation. The bright side of leaving is not having to hear "rocky top" being played every two minutes. Here are some pics from the weekend:

Neyland Stadium

eating at the Roaming Gnome

some bar


the game

Since we have been back, the work week has been going by so FAST. I can't believe it's almost over. I am excited for premiere week on television...tonight is Lipstick Jungle, tomorrow is Grey's Anatomy, and I think this weekend is Desperate Housewives, and Brothers and Sisters. Looks like I am going to be booked up for awhile! 

Well, I have  to go...I am getting goosebumps from some random touching story about adoption on ESPN. Go figure. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Company Picnic

Last Sunday was the company picnic. Everything was set up really cool but unfortunately it was a crappy, rainy day. Good food though! Burgers, pulled pork, macaroni and cheese, all kinds of good stuff. 

Picnic at Saloman Farm

Inside of Barn

Us. I think our camera was having issues.

This was pretty hilarious.

Alexis and the strength tester. It of course went to the top.

Our 'favors'

quilt made from various fabrics. very cool.

Bella enjoying her 'bobo' sent from grandma ingstu

So that was that, we were at the picnic for about one or two hours before we got tired of the rain. Saturday we looked at houses around here. We haven't found the perfect one yet, so the search continues. We went out for dinner and then watched the USC v. OSU game with some friends at our place. 

This weekend is the Gator game in Tennessee, so I have off Friday, woohoo! Only two more days of work and then a long weekend! Can't wait for the trip. Hope to take lots of pictures! Go Gators! 

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Picture of my mom with her sign before the gator game on Saturday. Unfortunately it did not make tv, but it's the thought that counts. We watched the game at home, and yes, our friends will still hang out with us after that. I think we were a little more tame than usual. 

Pimping out my blog

As you can (hopefully) see I have finally started trying to design for my blog. Unfortunately after I saved this background as a web file, photoshop quit, so I can't edit it. So this is how it will stay for now. 

I also added twitter to my fav links on the right hand side. Twitter is a status update site, so it will list status updates I make during the day. This way my dear mother can know what I am doing at all times. How perfect. (and kind of stalker-ish, but isn't that what the web is all about?)


Put a smile on your face...

This is a video we stumbled upon at work. Kind of a long explanation as to how, but nonetheless we did, and it made me chuckle so I wanted to share. Make sure you have your volume on.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Last Week

Another week has gone by. Only four days of work this time. We never did golf last weekend, but I did check out the trail by our house. It was pretty nice, it wraps around the YMCA and also a farm. There was one strip where there was a line of Christmas trees and you could kind of smell them. It will be really nice to walk when it gets a little bit cooler out. The trail is 1.8 miles, so when I got home I had a piece of pizza and McDonald's. It's all about balance. 

Today we are watching the Gator game (duh.) I think there will be some people come over for the game. Hopefully they will still want to be our friends once they see our behavior during a game. Doubtful. 

Last weeks game.


Not sure what our plans are for the rest of the weekend. Next weekend is the VB company picnic, so that should be fun, we can walk to it from our apartment. Looking forward to it. 

