Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Company Picnic

Last Sunday was the company picnic. Everything was set up really cool but unfortunately it was a crappy, rainy day. Good food though! Burgers, pulled pork, macaroni and cheese, all kinds of good stuff. 

Picnic at Saloman Farm

Inside of Barn

Us. I think our camera was having issues.

This was pretty hilarious.

Alexis and the strength tester. It of course went to the top.

Our 'favors'

quilt made from various fabrics. very cool.

Bella enjoying her 'bobo' sent from grandma ingstu

So that was that, we were at the picnic for about one or two hours before we got tired of the rain. Saturday we looked at houses around here. We haven't found the perfect one yet, so the search continues. We went out for dinner and then watched the USC v. OSU game with some friends at our place. 

This weekend is the Gator game in Tennessee, so I have off Friday, woohoo! Only two more days of work and then a long weekend! Can't wait for the trip. Hope to take lots of pictures! Go Gators! 


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh I LOVE that quilt. very very neat! I need a cool job with cool picnics and cool party favors! i'm jealous :) yall look great, love and miss you

Anonymous said...

I am thinking the classic man and woman pitchfork picture will make the perfect Christmas card this year for you! Love the pictures!
I am glad Bella likes her bobo!
Wish I could go beat Tenn with you!

Anonymous said...

love the blanket too!!. i think this year for the christmas gift exchange - we need to be paired up. i am loving vera's new patterns! ingstu...are u reading this? - love rayray