Sunday, September 7, 2008

Pimping out my blog

As you can (hopefully) see I have finally started trying to design for my blog. Unfortunately after I saved this background as a web file, photoshop quit, so I can't edit it. So this is how it will stay for now. 

I also added twitter to my fav links on the right hand side. Twitter is a status update site, so it will list status updates I make during the day. This way my dear mother can know what I am doing at all times. How perfect. (and kind of stalker-ish, but isn't that what the web is all about?)



Anonymous said...

Oh wonderful!!...
because your mom is not the only stalker out there - as you know.
Guess who?

Anonymous said...

Not only is your aunt a better stalker, she also frequently beats me to the comment! At least I know you are thinking of me... I can think of worse things to be called than stalker!