Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fall Fun

Fall has been an awesome time of year up in here in the midwest. Luckily, my parents were able to make a trip up and experience it. The trip mostly revolved around food and all of the specific restaurants we wanted to try. One of the highlights was visiting Hilger's Friendly Market, and loading up on pumpkins, fresh bread, and cider.


with my parents

some sort of tee pee?

hiding from the cold

dad's new favorite beer

The trip was really fun, and hopefully they will be able to come back soon. The weather was pretty cold while they were here (30s-40s) and then went back into the 70s awhile after they left. This week the weather went back down (it's 33 right now) and I think it even snowed was definitely an icy, floaty rain, but not cold enough to stick. It can be annoying sometimes when it is cold outside, but I have to admit it makes fall/winter so much more exciting. We bought hot chocolate and egg nog today, and it just seems more fun to drink when it's actually cold out. It feels like this is our first real, authentic holiday season. Plus I also get to stock up on sweater dresses and boots : ) Needless to say, I am enjoying the season so far. I am looking forward to the first real snow, and I am thinking about decorating for Christmas soon.

Anyways, I need to go, or I might throw my computer against a wall and then repeatedly beat it with a hammer. No lie, every 60 seconds the computer pauses and 'refreshes.' I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! It's enough to make a person go insane.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its so beautiful and "fall-like". I want to come. Biba