Sunday, November 2, 2008


I haven't posted in awhile, because things have been busy. But in the midst of everything, we lost Grandaddy, and that really threw a wrench into life. My Grandaddy was an awesome man...he was a veteran, a pilot, a captain, an entrepreneur...but most importantly, he was a family man. A father to four, a grand-father to 9, and a great-grandfather to 5. There are a lot of things to miss about him, and a lot of things he shared with me...week long boat trips, flying excursions in his plane (I am still uncomfortable with flying unless he is the pilot), oysters, gator football...I will miss him everyday, but I know he will be with us always, and for that we are blessed. We miss you, Grandaddy. Thank you for creating our wonderful family.

The rose bush in my grandparents backyard where grandaddy would clip a flower for grandmommy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well said.