Sunday, August 3, 2008

Brace yourself....

Since I have been promising apartment pictures for awhile now, I guess I need to deliver, despite the fact that things are not as done as I'd like. So go ahead and have a seat, there's quite a few: (and I even spent time ordering them from front door to last room, even though you'd never know the difference)

Living room and front door. New Ikea coffee tables.

Living room from other side.

"Entertainment center." We had to get creative seeing as the one we were using before is now broken. That shelf used to hang above the tv.

Kitchen from living room. Pretty standard.

Good-bye cards

Dining and kitchen area.

Dining room. Kind of busy.

Office side 1

Office side 2
Our retro gator rug grandmommy gave us. (also happens to be a favorite poop spot for Bella)

Alexis's (hall) bathroom.


Spare room / exercise room / storage.

Our bedroom side 1. (room that needs the most work - notice broken dresser #1)

Our bedroom side 2. Other broken dresser sitting where it was left. Alexis is hiding out on the bed. So much work to be done.

My bathroom

Backyard. Yes, that's a Christmas Tree! They are everywhere.

At first I thought it would be weird to have separate bathrooms, (unless you have a big house that is designed to have a his and hers master bath), but then I realized it was nothing short of genius. More space for me and no one telling me to clean up? duh! Alexis does get a drawer in my bathroom though. I am so nice. 

Surprisingly, despite the fact that I hate white walls, carpet, and linoleum, I actually like the way this place turned out. It's the first time in a looong time I haven't painted an apartment when I moved in. And I am surviving. 

So is anyone else as amazed by the Christmas trees as I am? Probably most normal people have been up north before and already knew about this, but it is a new discovery for me. I didn't know they grew all year around...and so abundantly (I guess I had just never thought about it. To me, they were just special trees that only came around at Christmas. Like Santa.) But they are like the palm trees of the north. Only they don't smell like a Christmas tree. Kinda disappointing. 

Well I'll keep this short since I posted so many pics. My blog wall must be feeling loved today. Besides, I am hungry and need to feed my growing belly. And no, I am not pregnant, unless you can be pregnant with cheeseburgers and pizza. In which case, I am just a couple of months along. 

Til later...



Anonymous said...

It looks great. I really think that it is a pretty apt. complex. I got all excited about "christmas trees" the first time I went to Massachusetts... must be hereditary. Looks like you could use some nice accent pillows.. hmmm wonder where you could get some of those? :)
I will show the pictures to Teddy so it will feel like home when he gets there.. that is if I let him go!

Unknown said...

Looks great! Even with the broken stuff. Nice use of the shelf for an entertainment system, haha.