Tuesday, August 19, 2008


It has been a long few days. We left for Florida on Thursday last week, after work. We got home at about ten or eleven in the morning. Then we left Florida to come back on Saturday night, around midnight, and arrived in Fort Wayne at around five pm. I am still exhausted from lack of sleep and long hours in the car. But the good news is, Mettina's wedding was last weekend. yaay!

The wedding was beautiful, as was Mettina, of course. The only snag during the day was that the Bride almost caught on fire. Now, that would have been a HUGE snag, but notice I said almost. There were candles on the stairs leading up the altar, and fortunately the bride's mom made a beeline for the dress when it brushed up against the candles. Talk about saving the day.

After that, things went perfectly, and the church was full of emotion. The wedding was followed by a 7-course meal at a little Italian Restaurant (appropriately named Little Italy) and the food was amazing, and I do believe that a good time was had by all. I am so glad I was able to be there for all of it. Congratulations Mettina and Tim!

In the limo

Best friends

Dogs at Kentucky rest stop on way back.

The trip back was a bit rough, but I am thankful we made it one piece. Now it is back to work for me, which thankfully, I don't mind. Although, I do wish they would get the A/C issues resolved, sweating it out in an 85 degree office is not my cup of tea. Feels like I am back in Florida.

Thats about it in our lives. Just living the dream! (ha ha.)
Time to eat dinner now, bourbon chicken, by Chef Al.

til next time


Anonymous said...

you are living the dream. vb by day, chef al by night.
i must admit, you are the prettiest MOH ive seen in a year and 2 months ;) love you keep posting. MNC

Anonymous said...

I agree about the MOH comment.. the initials threw me off for a minute, but I quickly figured it out! But I have to add.. the prettiest Bride and MOH in the past year and 2 months. Love former MOB