Sunday, August 24, 2008

Life goes on...

Sorry, no pics today. Not a lot to photograph. We had a good week, and now a good weekend. We checked out a bar on Friday night, which I am sure we'll go back to. It's almost within walking distance, so a good place to watch football games. Saturday we went shopping at two different malls. For dinner we tried out a new (to us) restaurant, across the street, called Casa Grill. Turned out to be pretty great. It was like a Olive Garden, but with way better food. I had stuffed shells (although they called them something much more fancy) and Alexis had a chicken and mushroom risotto. We then had a cannoli (sp?) and I had a chocolate cappuccino. The food was so good, and really well priced, I imagine we'll go back there soon! I love trying out new restaurants, I think that has been my favorite thing about moving. 

Today Alexis went to the driving range while I stayed home to work on a freelance project. It is hard to work full-time AND work on freelance projects, but I am trying to get back into it and stay on top of things. Tomorrow (Monday), I am going to Chicago for two days for work, along with some other people. We are going to watch/manage a product photo shoot, so I am excited about that. 

We have had a good weekend, but we'll have to try to do more 'visually interesting' things so that I have pics to upload. I am starting to meet more people to do things with outside of work, so I think our schedules will continue to get busier. I hope anyways, I'll keep ya posted. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, more pictures please! And include my adorable grandpuppies, Bella and Teddy. Nutmeg would like to see her buddies.