Monday, August 4, 2008

exhausted and last day of freedom.

So today is my last day of freedom before I become a working woman. What a change that will be. It has been awhile since I've had to wake up early every morning. We'll have to see what kind of beast I turn into.

I wanted to upload some pictures of Fort Wayne today, but for some reason I am having "issues" with that, so I will try again tomorrow.

Alexis and I ran some errands today. I think we are starting to turn into twins. We both got dressed at separate times this morning but ended up wearing t-shirts that referenced Hawaii. (Totally different shirts, but weird nonetheless.) Then, while were driving in the car, at the exact same time, we each turned to our respective windows, rolled them down, and spit out our gum. Then we just looked at each other like "did you know I was about to do that?" weird. As long as we don't start looking like each other, I'll be okay. I mean, he is an attractive guy and all, but I'd like to keep some of my femininity.

Anyways, not much to report on today. We went to Dick's Sporting Goods, Pier1, blah, blah, blah. Alexis is assembling a gigantic punching bag stand as we speak. I think it will take up the entire extra bedroom. He said when people come over he will put it on the back porch, but I think he forgot to take into account the fact that it will probably not fit through doorways. Awesome.

I recently had a request for more pictures of Alexis and I on the blog. hmmm...well, unless said person (mom!) would like to make a trip up and take some pictures of us, said person will just have to settle! I am the only photographer, and Alexis is a very unwilling subject, so not many pics of he, I, or us have been taken. I'll see what I can do.

Thats about it for today, I'll try the pics again tomorrow. Time for me to enjoy my last few hours of my last non-working day. Wish me luck tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope your day was good!