Friday, August 8, 2008

First Week and Fort Wayne

So it's Friday, which means I have completed my first week of work. It was definitely a hectic week, there was a ton of meetings, but it was fun to get so involved so quickly. The hardest part will be remembering everyones names, I have met sooo many people. I definitely like the job so far, so I am excited. If you are not already a member of Club Vera, make sure you go to the website and join! I'll be creating some of the emails for that.

But anyways, I am exhausted from information overload. Definitely draining. I am hoping to have a low key weekend. We are thinking about going to a driving range. I have only been to one once before, and I was sore for days. I'll have to keep you updated on my amazing golfing skills. There are a lot of nice courses here, and they are not very expensive, so I feel a hobby coming on.

Anyways, don't mean to be boring, but I am too tired to be witty today. Here are the pics of Fort Wayne:

Our complex.

Fire Station downtown.

Fave place to shop.


City of churches.

Cute, older homes.

library downtown.
That's all folks!



Anonymous said...

Great pics - it's fun to see Ft Wayne. is there a fort there? I love your blog!

nissak said...

Actually I think I have seen a fort here, but I haven't visited it.