Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's been awhile

Well it's been awhile since the last post. Mainly because now that I have a work computer I never go on my dinosaur of a computer at home where I upload my images. Everything takes forever. But anyways, things have been good. Work has been great, and the weather has been a-mazing! 60s in the morning, 70s to 80s in the afternoons. We have been keeping our back door wide open during the days and turning off the air. I wish the weather would stay like this all year.

Last weekend we went to the driving range. That was a fun experience. It was only my second time going to one, and it has been over a year since the last time so I was basically starting from scratch. Luckily, by the end of the day, I had made some good improvements so there is hope. We'll have to start going every weekend now until winter comes.

my new golf clubs

driving range

for mom

So that's what we've been up to. Golf, movies, cooking, etc. Alexis has been looking into going back to school. Tonight we have to get ready for our drive back to FL for Mettina's wedding. We will be leaving tomorrow when I get off of work, so I will definitely have info to report next week. Talk to ya then...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the picture of the two of you... your cousin Ray humors her mother by including lots of picts of her and Jon! You both look wonderful and I can't wait to see you this weekend! You can wow me with your golfing skills when we visit. After this weekend I will be looking for pictures of Teddy and Bella as well!