Sunday, August 31, 2008

Weekly Wrap Up

Another week has gone by. I went to Chicago for a product photo shoot on Monday and Tuesday. It was a lot of fun, and I saw a lot of new product I had not seen before. It takes forever to set up a shot...lots bag styling before it is ready. We ate dinner at Morton's steak house on Monday night, which was my first time eating there, and being an avid meat eater, I very much enjoyed it. We also went to Ikea where I was the only poor person, and therefore the only person not to make a purchase. The second day of the trip, I got sick. It was pretty embarrassing because I didn't want everyone to think it was from the drinks we had the night before. The problem was that I got NO sleep on Monday night. Tossed and turned all night. Finally gave up trying around 6 am and just watched tv. I've always had issues with not getting sleep and not feeling well. So Tuesday I woke up with a headache, which turned into a migraine, which turned into nausea. By lunchtime, I was miserable, and actually had to go lay down in the van while everyone else ate lunch. Pretty humiliating. Now I am probably called 'that stupid new girl that got sick' behind my back. Hope not, anyways. 

The rest of the week went by pretty fast, and now it is a 3 day weekend, woohoo! Friday night we went out to a bar downtown with some people from work and their wives, so that was fun. It was nice to hang out with other people. We had a good time, and went back to someone's house and hung out. Everyone around here owns homes, it is so frustrating, I have started looking up houses online, because I am ready for my own! They are definitely cheap enough here, it would pretty much cost the same per month as renting, if not cheaper. Hopefully our time will come. 

Of course we watched the Gator game yesterday. Great game, definitely enjoyed it. This is so not a college football town. No bars/restaurants around here carried the game so we bought the ESPN gameplan so we could watch it at home. Fun stuff, that college football. Looks like our weekends will now be booked. 

As for today and tomorrow, we are hoping to get to a driving range at some point. Who knows what else...the world is our oyster. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

was your VB photo shoot as good as mine and Tiff's in california? believe it or not, we did a lot of bag styling for that facebook picture tag... just for you! this blog is great, by the way. glad i can keep up with your life :) cant wait for snow pictures!

- Rachel